Apples on a Windowsill – First Review and Upcoming Events

A few quick notes to say that Apples on a Windowsill is now available! Events have been planned! And I’m excited to say that the first review is in by Kerry Clare on Pickle Me This. It’s always meaningful when a writer you admire shares their thoughts on your book and I admit it, when I hear that someone has underlined stuff in the pages of one of my books, I get very happy. That’s my booklovelanguage.

Book cover for Apples on a Windowsill by Shawna Lemay

You can get all the deets on how to order here.

I’ll be launching at Audreys in Edmonton on February 1, 2024, and at Another Story Bookshop in Toronto on February 29, 2024.

Everything Affects Everyone – Recent Press

It’s an embarrassment of riches this week in the coverage of Everything Affects Everyone this week. And I’ll be perfectly honest, I know this is likely all there will be. Which is fine, because I’m feeling pretty blessed by these 3 notices below:

1. Open Book

First up, is “The Dirty Dozen” on Open Book, where I tell you 12 things you may not know about me.

From the preamble by the editors:

Everything Affects Everyone is a taut, thoughtful novel about listening and being seen, about how women share and protect secrets, and about the nature of belief in all forms. It's a spectacular addition to Lemay's prestigious writing career, which includes the beloved Rumi and the Red HandbagThe Flower Can Always Be Changing, and Calm Things.”

2. Edmonton Journal

Secondly, Justin Bell featured Everything Affects Everyone at The Edmonton Journal. We spoke on Zoom beforehand, and had a great conversation.

From the review: “Everything Affects Everyone plays out like a series short stories, each vignette threaded together with a different perspective, one person’s story connected to the next. An interview influences the life of the woman transcribing it; a stolen piece of art leaves an impact on those who witness its absence, recorded and transcribed five years later in conversations with those who saw the exhibit.”

3. In Conversation with Kerry Clare

Last but not least:

I am really proud of this conversation conducted via email with Kerry Clare. It’s pretty in-depth, so I just want to let it speak for itself. I would love it if you could read it and share it etc. With love and thanks :)

From the preamble:

Everything Affects Everyone is wonderful and strange, rich and engaging, provocative and comforting, and filled with mystery and beauty. And what impressed me most about this book is how Lemay’s entire oeuvre is an essential context for appreciating this book properly, the way it fits into and extends her ideas and philosophy, which is utterly original, and inviting, which you can’t say about most things one might term a “philosophy.”

I am obsessed with Shawna Lemay’s obsessions, and the generosity with which she shares them, and the way that she can make me become vicariously obsessed with anything.”


"Beautiful and Poignant Surprises"

Could I be more thrilled with these next two responses to Everything Affects Everyone? No, no, I could not be.

It’s so full of beautiful & poignant surprises, I hesitate to describe this book at all for fear of ruining the prospective reader’s experience. yourself a favour & pick up Shawna Lemay’s astonishing new novel.
— Grant Stovel

And then, if that wasn’t enough, Kerry Clare very generously shared a photo of my book on Instagram with some incredible thoughts on it as well. Click through to read the post in full, which ends:

Everything Affects Everyone is wonderful and strange, rich and engaging, provocative and comforting, and filled with mystery and beauty. And what impressed me most about this book is how Lemay's entire oeuvre is an essential context for appreciating this book properly, the way it fits into and extends her ideas and philosophy, which is utterly original, and inviting, which you can't say about most things one might term a "philosophy."

I am obsessed with Shawna Lemay's obsessions, and the generosity with which she shares them, and the way that she can make me become vicariously obsessed with anything.

Even angels.

I really love this really weird book, which makes me even more fond of its wonderful author—if such a thing is possible.”

I really love this really weird book, which makes me even more fond of its wonderful author—if such a thing is possible.
— Kerry Clare

CKUA Radio Interview with Grant Stovel

On Friday October 8 at 8:45am (MT) you can listen to my CKUA Radio interview with Grant Stovel who is an incredible Edmonton treasure. You can listen around the world online, on the CKUA radio app, or on the good old radio. I’m partial to listening to CKUA in my car for some reason :)

I’ll be talking about my new novel, Everything Affects Everyone, which is slowly making its way out into the world as we speak. Thanks for tuning in!

A Few Pleasant Things

I just want to quickly share a few nice things that have appeared of late regarding one of the poem-essays in The Flower Can Always Be Changing.

The Flower.jpg

“In Lieu of Flowers” made the Book Riot list for “7 Of the Best Poems About Losing a Loved One.” Obviously, being on such a list holds some bittersweetness.

And then, it’s very emotional to see that a person from Zimbabwe, Chioniso Tsikisayi, made this beautiful video from her visit to her granny’s grave.

Lastly, I know it’s a little thing, but I was glad that this Reddit user was able to track down the poem as well. The search for a “poem about grief and ice cream” was so poignant for me.

So it’s very lovely to see this attention given to this book as the preparations for the next one are underway.

Gratitude is real.

Everything Affects Everyone – Available for Pre-Order

Yesterday, my wonderful publisher, Palimpsest Press, posted a photo of the freshly received ARCs (Advanced Reader Copy) of Everything Affects Everyone, and though I’ve been talking the fact that the book is coming out in October on social media, I’d be re-miss if I didn’t share the news here as well. I’ve added a page under books for Everything Affects Everyone with some links on how to pre-order it.

ARC Everything Affects Everyone

Pre-orders are great to create a buzz about a book and can really drive sales/ordering at bookstores. That said, an author/me! is happy no matter how the book ends up in a readers hands.

Obviously, pre-ordering is taking a chance :) What might you be in for? The novel contains: angels, women in conversation, an art heist, an elusive photographer, movie stars. There are thoughts on belief, seeing, and art. I noticed that my publisher described it on her Facebook post as “trippy” which I kinda love and maybe is the best description.

It’s obviously an interesting / strange time to be promoting a book, but I’m excited to see how it all goes and what people think of it.

The official pub date is October 15 which seems far off, but really is only 3 months away. OMG.

Everything Affects Everyone

The Flower Can Always Be Changing Has Been Shortlisted

Wilfred Eggleston shortlist

I’m happy to report that The Flower Can Always Be Changing has been shortlisted for the Wilfred Eggleston Award for Nonfiction.

The press release from the Writers Guild of Alberta is as follows:

The Writers’ Guild of Alberta is excited to announce the finalists for the 2019 Alberta Literary Awards and Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize. Each year, the Alberta Literary Awards and the City of Edmonton recognize and celebrate the highest standards of literary excellence from Alberta and Edmonton authors.

Winners will be announced and awards presented at the Alberta Literary Awards Gala on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at the Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel in Edmonton in conjunction with the WGA annual conference, Writing Across Worlds.

The WGA would like to send our congratulations to those whose work is on this year’s Alberta Literary Awards shortlists! We look forward to celebrating your creativity and hard work, and we will do all we can to spread the word about the wonderful writing you did in 2018. Our awards celebration is not just one night; it is a full and robust season of honouring and “getting to know” these authors and their amazing work. Shortlist reading events will be held this spring in Edmonton on May 5 and in Calgary on May 15

Our juries deliberated on more than 190 submissions to select the following 24 finalists in eight categories. Finalists represent excellence in literary work written by Alberta authors and published or created in 2018. We encourage you to check out these fantastic titles!